Synopsis: Five years on from his brother's untimely death, Blake Wilson, along with two others, attempt a 200 Mile footrace across California with the hopes of discovering healing through suffering.

Core Messaging & Essence

  • Second Wind stands for resilience, healing, and the power of endurance through challenging, often painful, personal journeys. It’s a testament to the strength found in pushing limits, both physically and emotionally.

  • Healing Through Challenge: Second Wind shows that embracing physical challenges can unlock emotional healing, especially in the face of profound grief. It’s an invitation to confront limitations, find strength in vulnerability, and, ultimately, to transform suffering into purpose.

Key Credits

Agency: Barefoot Film House

Director: Blake Wilson

Producers: RationAle Brewing, All Day Running Co, VanCraft

Head of Production: Ryan Pavone

Cinematography: Corey Roncoroni, Zane Sanchez

Post Production: Barefoot Film House

Design: Lucas Huffman

Cast: Blake Wilson, Ethan Lewe, Cannon McCullough, Matt Allen, Anna Kraver, Drew White, Ryan Pavone, Corey Roncoroni, Scott Rousseau, Zane Sanchez

